Saturday, February 25, 2012

What technology that was used during the space race is part of our daily lives today?

I am doing a report on the Space Race technology. i thought it would be interesting to do my report on technology during the space race that influenced some of the technology today. I need some help to get started though. Thanks(:What technology that was used during the space race is part of our daily lives today?
1. The oral time travel revealed 1960s technology for the original SPACE Blanket was developed into a life-saving product that can be found in emergency kits owned by thousands. According to Travis Smith of Grabber, Inc., this technology began as a plastic film originally used to improve the reflection of radio signals from NASA balloon satellites. Greg Moores told the story of how Black %26amp; Decker teamed with Goddard researchers to develop a drill Apollo astronauts used to collect the first lunar soil samples. Today this technology has led to a multi-billion-dollar cordless tool industry.

2. Representing technology from the 1980s, Steve Sabicer of Medtronic MiniMed, Inc., spoke about the company’s MiniMed insulin pump. The pump is based on NASA’s Programmable Implantable Medication System, or PIMS, and evolved from several NASA technologies, including one originally developed for life search experiments on Mars. “Originally developed for space research, the MiniMed pumps have been used in medical applications to dramatically improve the quality of life for thousands of patients here on Earth,” Sabicer said.

3. Benefiting the nation’s current "green" movement and developed in the '90s, QwikBoost refrigerant and lubricant helps customers save money while protecting the environment. Greg Cole of Mainstream Engineering Corporation said, “The QwikBoost additive was originally developed for NASA and is based on a chemical/mechanical heat pump that increases the performance of air conditioners, heat pumps, refrigerators and freezers.”

4. One of the latest products on the market using NASA technology is Bartron Medical Imaging. The Recursive Hierarchical Segmentation software system developed at Goddard enhances a digital medical image uncovering features in the image that are not visible to the naked eye. “The MedSeg device allows physicians to more quickly and more accurately diagnose diseases and other medical conditions,” Fitz Walker, of Bartron Medical Imaging, said.

5. Cancer Detection and Treatment -- CATScan and MRI (Computer-Aided Technology and Magnetic Resonance Imaging) -- Originally developed to computer enhance pictures of the Moon for the Apollo program, CATScan and MRI technologies are used today in hospitals around the world to search the human body for tumors or other abnormalities.

6. Cancer Treatment -- LED (Light-Emitting Diode) -- LED is special lighting technology that was originally used for plant growth experiments aboard the Space Shuttle. This technology is now being used in a form of chemotherapy to treat brain tumors in children and many other forms of cancer. The device helps ease the pain and discomfort associated with cancer treatment.

7. Pacemaker Implant -- Pacemakers used to treat cardiac patients, as well as the remote monitoring devices for intensive care patients, were derived from the telemetry systems that first monitored astronauts and spacecraft. Communication technology that first monitored the gap between Earth situations and orbiting satellites also enables doctors to directly communicate with pacemakers implanted in the human body.

8. Artificial Heart Implant -- The technology used in the Space Shuttle fuel pumps led to the development of a miniaturized ventricular-assist pump. The tiny pump is 2 inches long and 1 inch in diameter and weighs less than 4 ounces.

9. Breast Cancer -- Breast Biopsy System -- Silicon chips in the Hubble Space Telescope that convert a distant star's light directly into digital images have been adopted so that doctors can easily detect tiny spots in breast tissue. Locating the exact spot allows doctors to analyze the tissue using a needle. This non-surgical procedure is less traumatic and reduces the pain, scarring, radiation exposure, time, and money associated with surgical biopsies.

10. Breast Cancer -- Faster, Safer, and Easier Mammograms -- Space-based instruments used to study the atmosphere may soon have a place in the medical examination room, since atmospheric studies and mammography both require compact, reliable, low-power sensors and digital computers. The computer scans each part of the mammogram image and reports any suspicious areas. This technology -- which will be faster, safer, and easier to use -- will save countless lives.

11. Breast Cancer -- New, Non-Intrusive Ultrasounds -- Technology developed to improve the quality of pictures from Mars Pathfinder is being modified to make 3-dimensional models of breast tissue. This will allow physicians to differentiate between cancerous and healthy tissue without painful invasive procedures.

12. Baby Food -- Formulaid -- NASA-sponsored research exploring the potential use of algae as a recycling agent for long-duration space travel has led to the development of enriched baby food.
Lightweight yet strong materials such as aluminum (not that aluminum was new, but it was shown to be able to be used in everyday objects and even for structural support) and composite materials.What technology that was used during the space race is part of our daily lives today?
Check out this site on Apollo spinoffs. It should help with your report.
Velcro.What technology that was used during the space race is part of our daily lives today?

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