Saturday, February 25, 2012

What if scientist could stop the gene which makes us age? Would we never die?

Is it possible, for that to even happen. Even if it took centuries to find the technology would it be possible? Or is there something scientist could make like a serum or some kind of chemical which significantly slows down the aging process (internally and externally)?What if scientist could stop the gene which makes us age? Would we never die?
Heh you have crazy ideas up in that mind of yours. :P Well, I don't know. I didn't know that there was a certain gene that made us age o-o But I think it'd be a bad idea to do that because the world would get overpopulated and if that gene were taken away, wouldn't we just be babies all of our lives?What if scientist could stop the gene which makes us age? Would we never die?
It could be possible I guess, but oxidation of the skin is what makes our skin look old, so they could discover something to slow down this process. As for internally, I have no idea, but if they were able to achieve this, we would still be open to diseases and sickness, so we would still be able to die, just we would look a lot younger when we did. (depending on when we died) Cool idea though, it makes me really think.What if scientist could stop the gene which makes us age? Would we never die?
There is not "a gene" that makes us age. Age is the result of a huge number of reactions taking place within our bodies from the moment we're conceived, resulting in damage to thousands of proteins, all nucleic acids, and many other biomolecules. All of these reactions would have to be addressed, and shutting them down completely would likely cause the instantaneous eruption of thousands of cancers throughout your body.

Finally, if you're just going ask about "some serum or chemical" or whatever, without even proposing a method by which this magic chemical would do its job, you've moved from the realm of science into fantasy. You may as well ask "what if a wizard could wave his wand and make us young forever?" There is no valid scientific way of analyzing something that is essentially magic. Once you've taken that step, you can make up any answers you want, and they'll all be equally valid, and irrelevant to reality.

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