Saturday, February 25, 2012

What technology is being developed to reduce the need for lethal weapons?

Would you like to live in a place where dangerous weapons are only used for defense by the military and for recreation by civilians. Obviously some guns will be necessary to keep things even but I feel that little progress is being made in non-lethal defense technology. I don't care if someone is considered a bad person; they still deserve a chance to live. There are not enough people that value life, so they ignore death and destruction and try to justify reckless attacks.What technology is being developed to reduce the need for lethal weapons?
If you hadn't asked this question I would have missed out on this amazing site.

(The weapons are real, the silly "aka" nick-names were made up by the web-site)

It shows 6 new non-lethal weapons the military has had developed, and comments on them in a very humorous fashion:

The PHASR (aka Crowd-Blinding Rifle)

The Active Denial System (aka Massive Pain Ray)

The Laser Induced Plasma Channel (aka Invisible Pain Fence)

Taser XREP (aka Electrified Shotgun Shells)

The Pulsed Energy Projectile (aka Magic Missile)

The Vortex Ring Gun (aka The Fart Gun)

How about prozak in the water supply?What technology is being developed to reduce the need for lethal weapons?
There are a plethera of non-lethal weapons out there. For you and, law enforcement
What about criminals? Should we make a law requiring criminals to only use non-lethal weapons while committing crimes?What technology is being developed to reduce the need for lethal weapons?
It really defeats the purpose a weapon but i see where you are coming from. Since WWII NATO has gotten countries to arm themselves with lower caliber bullets that will wound and not kill.

I agree with you to an extent but if i find someone in my house as a threat to my family, they will be leaving in a box.
Didn't you hear? LIberal, Anti-Constitutional, Pro-Communist, Obama-Loving Democrats have been invented to destroy guns.
If someone is putting innocent people, cops or anyone else for that matter in danger, they deserve to die. It's as simple as that. There are too many people who are sympathizing with these criminals and then they get off in a few years when there sentence was 10. I'm really annoyed by this, it seems fair that they made the choice to be an idiot and break the law, the punishment should be death. I bet more people would think before they act then.

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