Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why is humankind so obsessed with fast pace technology?

Unlike other animals, they don't seem to care of creating technology. I know humans create technology because we have the mental capacity and ability.

Why are humans so into growing technology that doubles every couple years? What's the motivation that leads to this?Why is humankind so obsessed with fast pace technology?
Aside from the reason that we are highly evolved beings, human beings tend to focus on the betterment of technology simply because of two reasons.

From our viewpoint, we, the consumers, are into it simply because we want life to be better. historically speaking, for so many years, our ancestors fought hard to survived and this reason provoked their brains to work. They invented tools so that performing tasks would be easier...We demand those stuffs because we want life to become easier...

From the producers viewpoint, it's all about the money...The better the technology, the more money they will get.Why is humankind so obsessed with fast pace technology?
Human beings have grown accustomed over the past 100 years to ever increasingly instant gratification, and have pursued technology to satisfy that craving aggressively, beside the fact that humans do have the capacity and ability.Why is humankind so obsessed with fast pace technology?
Because it's fun, another animal instinct.

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