Saturday, March 10, 2012

What type of technology would be already created in this alternate 1899?

Hello. I need to know what types of technology would be already created for this advances in this alternate 1899 that is more advanced than the real one.

- rockets to the moon.

- underground buildings.

- radio.

- government computers only for lists.

- cars

- airplanes

- airships.

I need these information please. Thank You! :)What type of technology would be already created in this alternate 1899?
Check out Steampunk.What type of technology would be already created in this alternate 1899?
Cars already existed, although they were *very* primitive and used as playthings for the rich, not for transportation. The first airplane flight was in 1905 - not that very far in the real future. Hot air balloons existed and were pretty common. Airships would not be that big a stretch. Radio already existed - although it was bulky and expensive and could just send morse code. The ancient Egyptians had underground buildings, so they were possible, certainly.

So I'd say Underground buildings, radio (go ahead and say voice), real cars, primitive airplanes (not airliners, but more like WW1 stuff) and airships.

Computers are out of the question. They didn't happen until late in WW2 and even then they were awkward, slow, huge (several rooms big) and required almost an electrical sub-station to power them. It took a team of full-time engineers just to run simple programs. In even an advanced 1899 they wouldn't have been dreamed of yet.

Same for moon rockets. When we went to the moon in the 1960's it was a huge stretch - the first several attempts missed the moon altogether and just shot by it. And... they require computers! The rocket would have to adjust its course several times on the way and the amount of precision math and angles involved would be more that the people aboard could manage without help from a computer center on the ground. You also have things like exotic fuels and high-temperature metals for the engines to worry about. The best your 1899 folks could do would be to blow up the launch pad trying.What type of technology would be already created in this alternate 1899?
For radio, they would need to be able to generate electricity. That doesn't mean that there would have been power or radios in every household. Probably the best they could have done unless things were VERY different would be a radio in every post office.

They would have needed to be able to produce synthetic materials like heat resistant tile to take the heat of friction from air resistance during takeoff and reentry, as well as more advanced chemical propellants than simple gunpowder or nitro. Alternatively, if their electrical equipment was VERY advanced, they could take a big carrier airship up with an ion rocket that would be more efficient, but less powerful. Such a craft would not need as much heat resistance, but would have to orbit several times to build up enough speed with the weaker rockets to escape the Earth's gravity.

Airships would have taken larger-scale production and assembly of frames and of helium or hydrogen than was common. They had equipment to generate enough helium to lift several balloons during the American Civil War, but not on the scale that would have been needed for regular, safe, and reliable cargo or passenger flights. Modern airships are made from synthetic materials that weren't invented yet in the 1800's.

Underground buildings would have been tough feats of engineering and architecture, but doable.

If they had enough electricity for radios, primitive counting computers would have been no problem. Otherwise, they would have to use mechanical computers, which would be very slow. Archimedes probably could have designed one if he had known about such things. I have no idea how one would work.

They had steam cars in the 1800's, but they were few and far between. Mass production would have taken the invention of an assembly line.

Heavier-than-air airplanes would have been just barely manageable with super-light steam engines. They would be nowhere near as powerful as today's airplanes or anything earlier with an internal combustion engine and propeller. The steam planes would have been just barely able to keep themselves in the air. Forget about maneuvering. A slight tilt could send one plummeting. I wouldn't trust my life to one, not for any amount of money.

Hope this helps.

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